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Guest lecturer at OneWorks: Next Generation Buildings and Infrastructures – workshop series

Guest lecturer at OneWorks: Next Generation Buildings and Infrastructures – workshop series

September 26, 2024. I would like to sincerely thank OneWorks for inviting me to deliver a lecture on LTGMs and DPT tools to enhance creativity in the AEC design processes.…

Daedalus Debugger: The Architect in the Digital Maze (Podcast)

Daedalus Debugger: The Architect in the Digital Maze (Podcast)

💡 Delving into the myriad applications of AI collaboration, I’m venturing into a more dynamic and captivating approach to share research, observations, and crucially, insights on technology in the AEC…

Article from the TU Delft RUMOER n.86 – Textiles in Architecture

Article from the TU Delft RUMOER n.86 – Textiles in Architecture

Article from the TU Delft RUMOER n.86 – Textiles in Architecture RuMoer is the principal publication of the student and practice association for Building Technology ‘Praktijkvereniging BouT’ at the TU…

Envi-Meter: IoT device for Environmental Data Collection to support Architectural Design and Simulations

Envi-Meter: IoT device for Environmental Data Collection to support Architectural Design and Simulations

Envi-Meter: IoT device for Environmental Data Collection to support Architectural Design and Simulations The Genesis of Envi-Meter: My Personal Journey Throughout my career, I’ve always been fascinated by what I…

Semantic Segmentation with Dense Prediction Transformers via Grasshopper

Semantic Segmentation with Dense Prediction Transformers via Grasshopper

Semantic Segmentation using Dense Prediction Transformers via Grasshopper. This innovative component leverages DPT technology to segment and identify objects within images, utilizing the ADE20K pretrained model. Inspired by the Intelligent…

Guest lecturer at Envisioning Design Day (EDD) – European Institute of Design (IED

Guest lecturer at Envisioning Design Day (EDD) – European Institute of Design (IED

Corsirhino, col patrocinio di McNeel Europe, vi invita il 15 giugno 2024 alla nuova edizione di EDD, Envisioning Design Day, una giornata dedicata a Rhinoceros e agli strumenti che possono innovare il…

Articles | Publications

Read more articles in this section, here you will find also some discussions tagged by me as "blogging time"

Research | Lab

Read more articles in this section, if you are interested in finding out my Experimentations/DEVs


Read and watch more tutorials in this section, interesting modelling tutorials and tools video demo

Architecture & Design

In our Digital Era, the pursuit of beauty as an old craftsman embodies a blend of tradition and innovation.

Computational Design

Automate and improve your product and design workflow.

Environmental Design

Environmental Analysis for Architectural Design

Research & Development

Academic Research and  tools Development

I got to work and hooked up with several Architects, Firms, Companies, Universities for works, research and lectures such as...


Artificial Intelligence GenerativeArt Exploration

AI generative design/art exploration by AI platforms

Interested in my works? see *About Me* section and contact me by email and/or by social