I am developing in my free time a personal Grasshopper toolset – Ambrosinus Toolkit (ATk) is coded in C# (C-sharp) .NET Framework by Microsoft Visual Studio.
Some user objects are developed in Python and sometimes clusterized in a user-friendly component. Currently, with v1.2.7 I have updated all C# components to the Grasshopper core version 7.35.23346.11001 – this way the user can get the toolkit inside Rhino v7 and Rhino v8.
Please intend this project as a Work in Progress.
You can find a full description of all components on my GitHub Wiki page.
- I recommend reading the Changelog of the latest version of new features;
- Components full description GitHub wiki
- If you want to install extra “AI components” have a look at my GitHub page
- If you want to install “Extra components” have a look at my GitHub page
Current sub-categories:
- Info
- Display
- Image
- AI – Important! Read the Requirements Installation – User Guide at bottom of this page
- Manage
- Extra (turns on if you install some ghuser components from my GitHub)
Installable since v1.1.1 directly from Rhino Package Manager – Search and install it! 😉
Components showroom
ATk AI subcategory Guide
ATk (for AI components) Requirements Installation – User Guide |
A = Added; R = Replaced: U = Updated;
If you watch the video on YouTube can jump to specific frames of your interest, simply give a look at the video description.