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Research specific DOIs

D³ Awareness: from the Computational Thinking to the birth of a new Designer Professional Role

D³ Awareness: from the Computational Thinking to the birth of a new Designer Professional Role

Article (2015) in ITA and ENG versions taken from my doctoral thesis in which I invite the reader to reflect on some critical aspects of the profession of architect and…

[D³] Data, Digital & Design. Produzione del progetto digitale e processi decisionali

[D³] Data, Digital & Design. Produzione del progetto digitale e processi decisionali

The present Research work aims to tackle in experimental and innovative terms ("flexible" approach) the technological design and the process design through the potentialities offered by the technological-informatics progress within…

RIQUALIFICARE LO SPAZIO URBANO: Il Borgo di Antignano Progettazione parametrica e progetto ambientale

RIQUALIFICARE LO SPAZIO URBANO: Il Borgo di Antignano Progettazione parametrica e progetto ambientale

English abstract at the end of the article   “…L’aria era densa di discussioni appassionate su computer, programmazione, macchine, codici generativi, e gli architetti la respiravano a pieni polmoni. La…

Chapters, articles, papers, proceedings... but above all: “demo or die” not "public or perish"

Non-trivial self-organised floor plans: a Breakthrough in Computational Floor Plan Design on NEXUS Network Journal

Non-trivial self-organised floor plans: a Breakthrough in Computational Floor Plan Design on NEXUS Network Journal

Non-trivial self-organised floor plans: a Breakthrough in Computational Floor Plan Design on NEXUS Network Journal I’m excited to share a significant milestone in My Research journey as an independent researcher.…

Article from the TU Delft RUMOER n.86 – Textiles in Architecture

Article from the TU Delft RUMOER n.86 – Textiles in Architecture

Article from the TU Delft RUMOER n.86 – Textiles in Architecture RuMoer is the principal publication of the student and practice association for Building Technology ‘Praktijkvereniging BouT’ at the TU…

Official Ambrosinus Toolkit research in “CODING ARCHITECTURE – Designing Toolkits, Workflows, Industry” Book

Official Ambrosinus Toolkit research in “CODING ARCHITECTURE – Designing Toolkits, Workflows, Industry” Book

Official Ambrosinus Toolkit research in “CODING ARCHITECTURE – Designing Toolkits, Workflows, Industry” Book This chapter represents the official document in which I introduce the “Ambrosinus Toolkit”. Although from this publication…

AI “diffusion” in Architecture essay in Compasses n.42 – the Architecture & Interior Design International Magazine | Middle East

AI “diffusion” in Architecture essay in Compasses n.42 – the Architecture & Interior Design International Magazine | Middle East

AI “diffusion” in Architecture essay in Compasses n.42 – the Architecture & Interior Design International Magazine | Middle East Is there still space for human creativity in Architecture, now that…

Human-AI Co-Creation: Evaluating the Impact of Large-scale Text-to-Image Generative Models on the Creative Process

Human-AI Co-Creation: Evaluating the Impact of Large-scale Text-to-Image Generative Models on the Creative Process

Human-AI Co-Creation: Evaluating the Impact of Large-scale Text-to-Image Generative Models on the Creative Process Abstract. Large-scale Text-to-image Generative Models (LTGMs) are a cutting-edge class of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms specifically…

D³ Awareness: from the Computational Thinking to the birth of a new Designer Professional Role

D³ Awareness: from the Computational Thinking to the birth of a new Designer Professional Role

Article (2015) in ITA and ENG versions taken from my doctoral thesis in which I invite the reader to reflect on some critical aspects of the profession of architect and…

Apple Developer Academy Computational Design for the digital genesis of Smart Environments

Apple Developer Academy Computational Design for the digital genesis of Smart Environments

Thanks to SITdA (Italian Society of Architecture Technology) and Maggioli Editore for this opportunity. more info go to my page on Researchgate–>     Apple Developer Academy Computational Design…

BIM Talk Episode 0 – Introduction to the Computational/Parametric Design

BIM Talk Episode 0 – Introduction to the Computational/Parametric Design

Born from a personal effort of three professionals (Roberto Di Maio and Vittorio Boemio, I applaud all those who have proactively contributed to the initiative. Episode 0 introduced a lot…

[D³] Data, Digital & Design. Produzione del progetto digitale e processi decisionali

[D³] Data, Digital & Design. Produzione del progetto digitale e processi decisionali

The present Research work aims to tackle in experimental and innovative terms ("flexible" approach) the technological design and the process design through the potentialities offered by the technological-informatics progress within…

Apple Developer Academy between Algorithmic Design and Construction Management – Main Classroom, concept and realization

Apple Developer Academy between Algorithmic Design and Construction Management – Main Classroom, concept and realization

This research describes the author's experience in the design of the collaborative spaces of the Apple iOS Developer Academy (Naples). The intent is to explore the new frontiers of BIM…

Thermal Perception Driven Adaptive Design for Wellbeing in Outdoor Public Spaces: Case Studies in Naples

Thermal Perception Driven Adaptive Design for Wellbeing in Outdoor Public Spaces: Case Studies in Naples

The spread of digital technologies, aimed at improving the effectiveness of the technological and environmental project proposals, has transformed the modus operandi of architects and designers who approach environmental impact…

GIS Day 2016: Grasshopper, interoperabilità e coding

GIS Day 2016: Grasshopper, interoperabilità e coding

Riporto di seguito un frame dell’articolo presentato al GIS Day 2016, sede Università di Napoli “Federico II” organizzato dal prof. Salvatore Sessa col patrocinio di ESRI ArcGIS. L’articolo completo sarà…

Parametric Environmental Climate Adaptive Design

Parametric Environmental Climate Adaptive Design

The role of cities in resisting to the effects of Climate Change has become a central issue in world politics. Towns and metropolis, home for the 50% of the world…

Trolly Drinking Table – Casaidea 2012

Trolly Drinking Table – Casaidea 2012

“Il Servetto: carrelli, tavolini e piccoli mobili di servizio” Progetti partecipanti Officina delle arti Casaidea  

This idea of flexibility and participation is very often just an idea. That was made very clear by the way your work progressed [...] that it’s not just about the idea, but about actually being able to do it: “demo or die”.

Nicholas Negroponte
Architect and Computer scientist
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