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AI explorations inside Grasshopper and Rhino

I have coded the very first components in C# and CPython to elaborate the requesting prediction processes provided by OpenAI and StabilityAI platforms. Thanks to their API (Application Programming Interfaces) now you can manipulate the production process inside a unique design environment

AI as rendering engine locally via Grasshopper

Semantic Segmentation

Monocular Depth Estimation to 3D object

Ask to OpenAI for design tips...

StabilityAI (Stable Diffusion)

OpenAI "Variation mode"

OpenAI "Edit mode"




Throughout my career, I’ve always been fascinated by what I call “data-space” – the idea that the spaces we inhabit are rich with data, waiting to be harnessed for architectural and design innovation. This concept guiding my approach to every project I undertake at LA Consultancy. During my academic years, I coined the term D3 – “Data, Digital & Design”. This wasn’t just a catchy phrase; it encapsulated my vision for the future of architecture and design.


Artificial Intelligence GenerativeArt Exploration

AI generative design/art exploration by AI platforms

About Algoethics and Algocracy

Observations regarding the diffusion of AI in our society, these "free and loose thoughts" will be deployed in parts


An existentive problem


Accessibility to Knowledge to be aware and not delegate an antronomist

Flexible Design and Scripting: a Computational tale in the Digital Era

Key aspects for critical reading of the technological paradigm shift in the architectural design field

Study of the "iso-visibility curves" of the football stadium designed by Moretti

When were Parametric Architecture and VPL platforms born?


Grasshopper leads the AEC computational market by three fundamental keys

Aish_learning rate graph-01

Heuristic and pedagogical dimension of Computational Design

The thesis always becomes the intellectual ground where personal research and curiosity starts

these two works have practical and intellectual as well as historical continuity in laying the foundations for a new segment of scientific research in the technological-environmental design field at the DiARC since 2014

My master's thesis degree was my first step foot on the Environmental and Computational Design themes, directly applied to architecture and design challenges in the digital era.

I was fairly lucky to be the first student at DiARC (2014-2015) to experiment with the parametric/computational approach to environmental projects/assessments and research focused on large and small urban scales. VPL approach as a design management tool for a better decision-making assessment.

- I was the ice-breaker

My PhD thesis represents the first attempt to integrate BIM design with computational design based on coding/scripting (but not only) and the tools' interoperability - my motto was "demo or die". Through the case study of the first Apple iOS Developer Academy in Naples as a proof of concept, I contributed to its realization through the technical-scientific collaboration between DiARC and Apple Int. Dist.
An equally important aspect on which I tried to lead the way regarding the attention that academies should give to the mutation of the professional role of the architect as a profession strongly involved in the technological and cultural paradigm shift driven by the digital age.

Research, Lab and Experimentation

Envi-Meter: IoT device for Environmental Data Collection to support Architectural Design and Simulations

Envi-Meter: IoT device for Environmental Data Collection to support Architectural Design and Simulations

Envi-Meter: IoT device for Environmental Data Collection to support Architectural Design and Simulations The Genesis of Envi-Meter: My Personal Journey Throughout my career, I’ve always been fascinated by what I…

Semantic Segmentation with Dense Prediction Transformers via Grasshopper

Semantic Segmentation with Dense Prediction Transformers via Grasshopper

Semantic Segmentation using Dense Prediction Transformers via Grasshopper. This innovative component leverages DPT technology to segment and identify objects within images, utilizing the ADE20K pretrained model. Inspired by the Intelligent…

AI Outpainting with Stable Diffusion via Grasshopper

AI Outpainting with Stable Diffusion via Grasshopper

The Ambrosinus Toolkit v1.2.8 now includes a new feature: AI outpainting. This addition enhances the Grasshopper platform with another AI tool that utilizes Stable Diffusion technology. So, it will be…

AI as Rendering Engine: Variation mode locally via Grasshopper

AI as Rendering Engine: Variation mode locally via Grasshopper

With Ambrosinus Toolkit v1.2.6 I finally brought the "Variation" mode to the locally executable Stable Diffusion-based AI component package. This well-known mode is based on the principle of altering the…

MeshyAI toolbox for creating 3D assets now through Grasshopper

MeshyAI toolbox for creating 3D assets now through Grasshopper

As many already know, new platforms and services dedicated to AI are growing visibly. Meshy is one of them and promises to empower content creators to effortlessly turn text and…

Remote working (LAN) for Stable Diffusion and ControlNET via Grasshopper

Remote working (LAN) for Stable Diffusion and ControlNET via Grasshopper

Since the Ambrosinus-Toolkit v1.2.2 has been implemented with a new feature: Run Stable Diffusion locally and above all in remote working! Thanks, AUTOMATIC1111 (A11) project and ControlNET (CN) extensions it is…

Ambrosinus-Toolkit and the Research Projects

Ambrosinus-Toolkit and the Research Projects

Ambrosinus-Toolkit and the Research Projects On this page, you will find the official toolkit research projects useful if you want to cite it in your own design explorations, academic works…

AI as Rendering Engine: running Stable Diffusion and ControlNET locally via Grasshopper

AI as Rendering Engine: running Stable Diffusion and ControlNET locally via Grasshopper

Since the Ambrosinus-Toolkit v1.1.9 has been implemented with a new feature: Run Stable Diffusion locally thanks AUTOMATIC1111 (A11) project and ControlNET (CN) extensions. It is another AI tool that brings artificial…

Algoethics and Algocracy: accessibility to Knowledge to be aware and not delegate an antronomist [part 2]

Algoethics and Algocracy: accessibility to Knowledge to be aware and not delegate an antronomist [part 2]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui As I write, in Italy, the Privacy Guarantor has frozen ChatGPT ordering to regulate the acquisition of data on Italian territory within 20 days…

Algoethics and Algocracy: an existentive problem [part 1]

Algoethics and Algocracy: an existentive problem [part 1]

As for  Flexible Design and Scripting: a Computational Tale in the Digital Era, I will try to share some observations regarding the diffusion of AI in our society with those…

WYSIWYT: from the monocular Depth Map estimation to 3D object prototype

WYSIWYT: from the monocular Depth Map estimation to 3D object prototype

The Ambrosinus-Toolkit v1.1.9 has been implemented with a new feature: DPT technology thanks to René Ranftl’s Intel research team. It is another AI tool that brings artificial intelligence power inside…

StabilityAI (Stable Diffusion) inside Grasshopper with Python – Advanced version

StabilityAI (Stable Diffusion) inside Grasshopper with Python – Advanced version

📣 Now the AI components of Ambrosinus-Toolkit are about two months old [today is 25/01/2023] Although this, with Build-106 of the StabilityAI-GH component I have introduced and included the last…

AI Completion-Aided Design starts from answers – OpenAI Completion mode (GPT-3 chatbot)

AI Completion-Aided Design starts from answers – OpenAI Completion mode (GPT-3 chatbot)

William Gibson’s uchronia in the field of design is about to happen? The evolution of artificial intelligence is, as is widely known, the progress made in the field of mathematics…

OpenAI (DALL-E) inside Grasshopper with Python – Advanced version

OpenAI (DALL-E) inside Grasshopper with Python – Advanced version

Recently many Architects and Designers have been exploring different AI platforms – This is exciting! If you want to go straight to the point: Jump to “Edit mode” or Jump…

StabilityAI (Stable Diffusion) inside Grasshopper with Python

StabilityAI (Stable Diffusion) inside Grasshopper with Python

Recently many Architects and Designers have been exploring different AI platforms – This is exciting! 📣 I have updated this component to Build-102 (see here). After Stability SDK updates you…

OpenAI (DALL-E) inside Grasshopper with Python

OpenAI (DALL-E) inside Grasshopper with Python

Recently many Architects and Designers have been exploring different AI platforms – This is exciting! Before going on… let me share this with you 📣 [𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘] If you don’t want to…

Ambrosinus Toolkit – Main page

Ambrosinus Toolkit – Main page

I am developing in my free time a personal Grasshopper toolset – Ambrosinus Toolkit (ATk) is coded in C# (C-sharp) .NET Framework by Microsoft Visual Studio. Some user objects are…

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 3]

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 3]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui   The third part of “Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era” tries to share a concept of the heuristic…

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 2]

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 2]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui   The second part of this contribution starts with Arturo TEDESCHI‘s interview with David RUTTEN as a pretext, it has been published on number…

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 1]

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 1]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui   In 1947, the Italian architect Luigi MORETTI coined the expression: “parametric architecture”. An established post-war Italian architect, at the end of the 1940s,…

The 2D Minimum BoundingBox in 3D Space

The 2D Minimum BoundingBox in 3D Space

Trying to keep fit is always a good idea! I found this interesting challenge made by Ryan Hughes (here)   Looking for a computational design challenge? I’ve just mocked up…

D³ Awareness: Skills required by the AEC industry to start working VS Skills students would like in their teaching curricula

D³ Awareness: Skills required by the AEC industry to start working VS Skills students would like in their teaching curricula

Design today is intended as a specific methodological path activated by several actors and, at the same time, digitally mediated. This path is characterized by a growing cultural awareness that…

Ergonomic 3D printed Mask (COVID-19 emergency)

Ergonomic 3D printed Mask (COVID-19 emergency)

In this global emergency time, many designer-makers are working hard to help the community. What has emerged is that everyone must do their own part. At this stage, valve prototypes…

Playing around Computational BIM & Computational Design: the Twisted-Foils

Playing around Computational BIM & Computational Design: the Twisted-Foils

These days I'm really regretting the good old and I really hope that soon returns in other guises. However, I have systematized a simple workflow that allows me to…

From Meta-Design to the development of Post-Occupancy Evaluation model

From Meta-Design to the development of Post-Occupancy Evaluation model

In this short article, I would like to share with the Linkedin community part of the methodology that I experimented to solve some critical issues regarding the realization of the…

[D³] Data, Digital & Design. Produzione del progetto digitale e processi decisionali

[D³] Data, Digital & Design. Produzione del progetto digitale e processi decisionali

The present Research work aims to tackle in experimental and innovative terms ("flexible" approach) the technological design and the process design through the potentialities offered by the technological-informatics progress within…

Prospettiva della Ricerca – PROXEMITY: Startup/Spin Off

Prospettiva della Ricerca – PROXEMITY: Startup/Spin Off

PROXEMITY: “Make your world a better place” Purpose: enrich the BIM model with RTDM information Operational contribution: define a workflow / best practices to implement the data-informed depth level of the architecture model…

Arduino+Grasshopper: Environmental Sensors and Mapping

Arduino+Grasshopper: Environmental Sensors and Mapping

Finally, I did it! I have closed the gap between physical environmental data detection and virtual simulations. Have a look here to see my first IoT device prototype!

GIS Day 2016: Grasshopper, interoperabilità e coding

GIS Day 2016: Grasshopper, interoperabilità e coding

Riporto di seguito un frame dell’articolo presentato al GIS Day 2016, sede Università di Napoli “Federico II” organizzato dal prof. Salvatore Sessa col patrocinio di ESRI ArcGIS. L’articolo completo sarà…

BAF e RIE: approccio parametrico visuale

BAF e RIE: approccio parametrico visuale

Nell’ambito della progettazione architettonica ED urbana ricorrere ad un approccio algoritmico consente di migliorare il flusso di lavoro del progettista quando si affrontano problematiche da discretizzate in termini numerici e di indici/indicatori…

Parametric Thermal Comfort Calculator: MET, Icl and PMV & PPD index

Parametric Thermal Comfort Calculator: MET, Icl and PMV & PPD index

Grasshopper components to evaluate and calculate some useful information about MET, Icl and PMV/PPD thermal index (reference ISO 7730).

Form Finding: installazione di tensostrutture

Form Finding: installazione di tensostrutture

  Esempio di ottimizzazione del posizionamento, e dunque della forma, di una semplice installazione puntuale e sospesa in funzione della radiazione solare captata e delle ombre portate del contesto urbano.…

Import CFD analysis to Rhino+Grasshopper environment

Import CFD analysis to Rhino+Grasshopper environment

Esempio di analisi CFD importata in ambiente Rhinoceros mediante Grasshopper. L’analisi è stata effettuata con software Ecotect, mentre la definizione originale opportunamente è stata ispirata da  

RIQUALIFICARE LO SPAZIO URBANO: Il Borgo di Antignano Progettazione parametrica e progetto ambientale

RIQUALIFICARE LO SPAZIO URBANO: Il Borgo di Antignano Progettazione parametrica e progetto ambientale

English abstract at the end of the article   “…L’aria era densa di discussioni appassionate su computer, programmazione, macchine, codici generativi, e gli architetti la respiravano a pieni polmoni. La…

Parametric Environmental Climate Adaptive Design

Parametric Environmental Climate Adaptive Design

The role of cities in resisting to the effects of Climate Change has become a central issue in world politics. Towns and metropolis, home for the 50% of the world…

Gli strumenti per il controllo ambientale: qualità ecologica delle superfici e benessere percepito

Gli strumenti per il controllo ambientale: qualità ecologica delle superfici e benessere percepito

Below the slides from a brief lesson with a little practice about ecological and comfort benchmarks useful to perform a better urban design. When I was an assistant at the…

E-House: residenze ad alta densità abitativa

E-House: residenze ad alta densità abitativa

Risultato del lavoro di ricerca del Laboratorio di sintesi finale (prof.ssa arch. Rejana Lucci). Realizzazione di un complesso residenziale ad alta densità abitativa da insediare nella periferia est di Napoli.

Tree shading design parametrico

Tree shading design parametrico

Tree shading design analysis from my Master's Thesis.

Parametric design: griglia per tree box filter

Parametric design: griglia per tree box filter

Parametric Design tree box filter using Rhino and Grasshopper. It is an Urban Design feature and I share with you this interesting tutorial.

Research is what I’m doing
when I don’t know what I’m doing

Wernher von Braun
Scientist and Engineer
Interested in my works? see *About Me* section and contact me by email and/or by social