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Intelligence in Architectural Environments: From Cybernetics to Tangible Computing
The Hidden Truth About Digital Twins in Architecture
AI: Euphoria or Tech Bubble? – Anatomy of a New Speculative Era
The AI Revolution in Engineering: A Global Perspective on Trends, Challenges and Future Horizons
Guest lecturer at OneWorks: Next Generation Buildings and Infrastructures – workshop series
Guest lecturer at Envisioning Design Day (EDD) – European Institute of Design (IED
Guest lecturer at PoliMi Architecture and Construction Lab
“Workademic”: Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia in Computational Design
Guest lecturer at PoliMi INDEXLAB – Adaptive Façade Studio course
Computational Methods for Architecture and Design course proposal by TPBennet for LSA – Advisors Roundtable
Guest lecturer at Georgia Tech School of Architecture – Data-Driven Methods in Architecture course
Combinatorial Creativity: how AI is extending Human imagination in Generative Art starting to undermine the anthropocentric vision of creativity

Articles as I say "blogging" time

Intelligence in Architectural Environments: From Cybernetics to Tangible Computing

Intelligence in Architectural Environments: From Cybernetics to Tangible Computing

In the psychedelic haze of the 1960s, while the world was still marveling at the first computers, a group of radical architects was already dreaming of cities that could walk.…

The Hidden Truth About Digital Twins in Architecture

The Hidden Truth About Digital Twins in Architecture

Something fascinating is happening in the world of architecture and construction. Behind the flashy presentations and buzzword-heavy marketing, a quiet revolution is taking place in how we think about buildings.…

AI: Euphoria or Tech Bubble? – Anatomy of a New Speculative Era

AI: Euphoria or Tech Bubble? – Anatomy of a New Speculative Era

The technological environment vibrates with a familiar energy. The enthusiasm surrounding Artificial Intelligence is reminiscent of what, over twenty years ago, accompanied the rise of the Internet. An euphoria that…

The AI Revolution in Engineering: A Global Perspective on Trends, Challenges and Future Horizons

The AI Revolution in Engineering: A Global Perspective on Trends, Challenges and Future Horizons

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fundamentally reshaping the landscape of engineering worldwide, ushering in an era of unprecedented efficiency, innovation, and problem-solving capability. Drawing insights from advanced engineering sectors across the…

Guest lecturer at OneWorks: Next Generation Buildings and Infrastructures – workshop series

Guest lecturer at OneWorks: Next Generation Buildings and Infrastructures – workshop series

September 26, 2024. I would like to sincerely thank OneWorks for inviting me to deliver a lecture on LTGMs and DPT tools to enhance creativity in the AEC design processes.…

Guest lecturer at Envisioning Design Day (EDD) – European Institute of Design (IED

Guest lecturer at Envisioning Design Day (EDD) – European Institute of Design (IED

Corsirhino, col patrocinio di McNeel Europe, vi invita il 15 giugno 2024 alla nuova edizione di EDD, Envisioning Design Day, una giornata dedicata a Rhinoceros e agli strumenti che possono innovare il…

Guest lecturer at PoliMi Architecture and Construction Lab

Guest lecturer at PoliMi Architecture and Construction Lab

May 27, 2024. This morning, during Professor Salvatore Viscuso’s course (DABC PoliMi) – “Laboratorio di Costruzione dell’Architettura (Architecture Lab)” at the Politecnico di Milano, I delivered a lecture addressing themes…

“Workademic”: Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia in Computational Design

“Workademic”: Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia in Computational Design

a common but not too widespread practice… it just needed a name  Workademic: (noun) A portmanteau of “work” and “academic,” referring to the intersection of professional work and academic pursuits,…

Guest lecturer at PoliMi INDEXLAB – Adaptive Façade Studio course

Guest lecturer at PoliMi INDEXLAB – Adaptive Façade Studio course

March 6, 2024. Happy to have shared the vision behind the scenes of the Ambrosinus-Toolkit with the students of the Politecnico di Milano Adaptive Façade Studio course taught by Pierpaolo Ruttico. Thank…

Computational Methods for Architecture and Design course proposal by TPBennet for LSA – Advisors Roundtable

Computational Methods for Architecture and Design course proposal by TPBennet for LSA – Advisors Roundtable

On February 21st, 2024, I took part as an expert consultant together with other experts in the sector, to discuss the first instance of the formation of a new teaching…

Guest lecturer at Georgia Tech School of Architecture – Data-Driven Methods in Architecture course

Guest lecturer at Georgia Tech School of Architecture – Data-Driven Methods in Architecture course

On January 26, 2024, thanks to the invitation of Professor Patrick Kastner (Researcher in the field of performance building and co-developer of Eddy3d – Grasshopper plugin for CFD analysis) –…

Combinatorial Creativity: how AI is extending Human imagination in Generative Art starting to undermine the anthropocentric vision of creativity

Combinatorial Creativity: how AI is extending Human imagination in Generative Art starting to undermine the anthropocentric vision of creativity

In his seminal essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," Walter Benjamin deeply explored how the techniques of mechanical reproduction made possible by photography and cinema…

Numerology experiment: Alkemyc Kaballah “What’s in a name?”

Numerology experiment: Alkemyc Kaballah “What’s in a name?”

Numerology experiment: Alkemyc Kaballah “What’s in a name?” Since the time of the Pythagoreans, it has been clear to conscious humanity, interested in the profound and esoteric knowledge of reality,…

Weaving space: between material networks, light textures and soft architecture [Tessere lo spazio: tra reti materiali, trame leggere ed architettura morbida]

Weaving space: between material networks, light textures and soft architecture [Tessere lo spazio: tra reti materiali, trame leggere ed architettura morbida]

Contemporary architecture is experiencing a transition towards more flexible and adaptable forms, which overcome the rigidity of Modernism. A search is underway for design solutions which, while maintaining construction precision,…

The Work of Art in the Age of “Mechanical” Reproduction: Reflections in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

The Work of Art in the Age of “Mechanical” Reproduction: Reflections in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

In his seminal essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," Walter Benjamin deeply explored how the techniques of mechanical reproduction made possible by photography and cinema…

How to build a Computational Dream Team: a small vademecum [Come costruire un team Computazionale da sogno: piccolo vademecum]

How to build a Computational Dream Team: a small vademecum [Come costruire un team Computazionale da sogno: piccolo vademecum]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui In today’s digital world, having a strong computational team is crucial for any organization that wants to thrive. Whether your goals involve developing cutting-edge…

The Dawn of a New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution [part 3]

The Dawn of a New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution [part 3]

The third and final part of the series “The Dawn of the New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution” tackles the thorny…

The Dawn of a New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution [part 2]

The Dawn of a New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution [part 2]

The second part of “The Dawn of the New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution”, relates to the observations regarding the revolution…

The Dawn of a New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution [part 1]

The Dawn of a New Age: How the AI Revolution Mirrors the Middle Ages and Not an Industrial Revolution [part 1]

A very weird introduction here to a more humanistic than canonical vision of the following observations. Many people compare the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) to the Industrial Revolution, which…

Pop-up Design: Inflatable library as bus stop or as a neighbourhoods books-pavilion

Pop-up Design: Inflatable library as bus stop or as a neighbourhoods books-pavilion

As our cities grow ever more crowded, architects and designers are exploring innovative new ways to create public spaces that serve multiple purposes. I’m always looking for new stimuli and…

Algoethics and Algocracy: accessibility to Knowledge to be aware and not delegate an antronomist [part 2]

Algoethics and Algocracy: accessibility to Knowledge to be aware and not delegate an antronomist [part 2]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui As I write, in Italy, the Privacy Guarantor has frozen ChatGPT ordering to regulate the acquisition of data on Italian territory within 20 days…

Algoethics and Algocracy: an existentive problem [part 1]

Algoethics and Algocracy: an existentive problem [part 1]

As for  Flexible Design and Scripting: a Computational Tale in the Digital Era, I will try to share some observations regarding the diffusion of AI in our society with those…

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 3]

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 3]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui   The third part of “Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era” tries to share a concept of the heuristic…

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 2]

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 2]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui   The second part of this contribution starts with Arturo TEDESCHI‘s interview with David RUTTEN as a pretext, it has been published on number…

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 1]

Flexible Design and Scripting: a computational tale in the Digital Era [part 1]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui   In 1947, the Italian architect Luigi MORETTI coined the expression: “parametric architecture”. An established post-war Italian architect, at the end of the 1940s,…

BIM is the medium, but interoperability is the message – “Share Data no more Models”

BIM is the medium, but interoperability is the message – “Share Data no more Models”

The ITA version is at the bottom of this page here   I start from the image below that pops up from a LinkedIn post (credit is in the image):…

Technosophy and Technosopher: theoresis and praxis of a “Digital” Architect & Designer

Technosophy and Technosopher: theoresis and praxis of a “Digital” Architect & Designer

The ITA version is at the bottom of this page here   “knowledge can no longer be ascribed to, or produced within disciplinary boundaries, but is entirely entangled” – Oxman,…

D³ Awareness: Skills required by the AEC industry to start working VS Skills students would like in their teaching curricula

D³ Awareness: Skills required by the AEC industry to start working VS Skills students would like in their teaching curricula

Design today is intended as a specific methodological path activated by several actors and, at the same time, digitally mediated. This path is characterized by a growing cultural awareness that…

Reinvent the wheel! …or should it be the BIM commercial-policy? About letter to Autodesk from major design firms

Reinvent the wheel! …or should it be the BIM commercial-policy? About letter to Autodesk from major design firms

Full English version HERE   La stagione delle lettere aperte rivolte all’industria AEC è iniziata, in realtà già da giugno 2020 diffusasi, poi, con grande risonanza dal 25 luglio 2020.…

Three overused terms at the pandemic time

Three overused terms at the pandemic time

ENG translation at the end Liberazione? Inizierei da tre termini abusati…. 1) Distanziamento sociale: se così fosse saremmo ancor più rovinati di quanto non lo fossimo già (o di quanto…

Equality of opportunity: the teaching of Sir Ove Arup

Equality of opportunity: the teaching of Sir Ove Arup

Modern Society demands and seeks experts (we all need experts) but that often does not offer many places where experts should be trained as we need, or worse, not everyone…

Homo Talent interview

Homo Talent interview

The original interview in Italian lang is here: thanks to homo talent staff, above all Cesare!   [ENG] What is talent for you? Talent is something that is cultivated,…

The Rise of the Computational Designer [L’ascesa del progettista computazionale]

The Rise of the Computational Designer [L’ascesa del progettista computazionale]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui The role of the “computational designer” has exploded in popularity in recent years, with both recruiters and job seekers buzzing about this emerging skillset.…

Computational Design and the Future of Architecture [Design Computazionale e il Futuro dell’Architettura]

Computational Design and the Future of Architecture [Design Computazionale e il Futuro dell’Architettura]

Per la versione ITA clicca qui Architecture is being transformed by computational design. Powerful new digital tools allow architects to analyze complex constraints and rapidly explore creative solutions like never…

What is a Computational Designer? [Cosa è un Progettista Computazionale?] – simply

What is a Computational Designer? [Cosa è un Progettista Computazionale?] – simply

ENG – A computational designer in architecture is a professional who combines architectural design with skills in programming and computer science. This role is based on the use of digital…

“Politics fears talent because talent gives you the freedom and strength to rebel.”

Renzo Piano
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