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Article from the TU Delft RUMOER n.86 – Textiles in Architecture

RuMoer is the principal publication of the student and practice association for Building Technology ‘Praktijkvereniging BouT’ at the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Celebrating its thirtieth year, issue 86 is dedicated to Textiles in Architecture.

In this edition, LA Consultancy, partnering with i-Mesh Architextile, presents an article providing a comprehensive overview of the design strategy employed by i-Mesh, based in Castelfidardo in the Marche region — an entity where technology converges with meticulous craftsmanship.

Over time, LA Consultancy has significantly enhanced and broadened the i-Mesh workflow, particularly in computational and environmental design, ranging from structural design to the documentation and environmental optimization of i-Mesh shading devices.

If you’re eager to discover more about i-Mesh Architextile, Soft Architecture, and to explore the analyses and developments by LA Consultancy, simply delve into the captivating issue 86, which is filled with many intriguing projects.


Abstract.This article explores i-Mesh, an innovative technical fabric for architecture that embodies the principles of “Soft Architecture”. Developed through marine and aerospace research, i-Mesh is a sustainable, customizable non-woven textile using high-performance fibers. Its unique production process, based on Industry 4.0 techniques and computational design, allows fibers to be oriented in any direction, offering versatility and high performance. The article illustrates the parametric approach to i-Mesh design, highlighting its use in architectural projects such as the shading structure for Expo 2020 Dubai. Applications of i-Mesh in environmental design are also discussed, emphasizing how this material can optimize thermal and visual comfort in spaces. The article concludes by reflecting on how i-Mesh represents a bridge between contemporary craftsmanship and technological innovation, opening new perspectives in the dialogue between humans and their environment.

Keywords: i-Mesh, Soft Architecture, Computational Design, Technical textile, Sustainability, Customization, Environmental Design, Textile architecture, Technological innovation, Industry 4.0

Company Article
Some related images
Example of an i-Mesh technical sheet
Environmental Design Analysis of the Domus Romana "Casa del Bicentenario" at the Herculaneum Archaeological Site
(top) Geometric simplification of the i-Mesh pattern; (middle) identification of the finite elements' "tags"; (bottom) identification of the structural bands;
How to cite this Research work
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Ambrosini, L., Fiorenzi, A. (2024). i-Mesh: material networks, light textures and Soft Architecture. RuMoer, 86.
See the full version RuMoer 86: Textiles in Architecture by TU Delft – on Issuu
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