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The Dawn of a New Age: the final observation of the young Adso of Melk

I hope you enjoyed reading my article on how the AI revolution mirrors the Middle Ages and not the Industrial Revolution. I think it is a fascinating and relevant topic for our contemporary days, as we witness the rapid and profound changes that AI is bringing to our world. (LA) – this is the sequel of this weird introduction here.

As a friar and scholar, I am both curious and cautious about AI. I see its potential and promise, but also its peril and pitfalls. I believe that AI can be a tool for good, but also a source of evil. I believe that AI can enhance human intelligence and creativity, but also challenge human dignity and values. I believe that AI can foster human connection and collaboration, but also create human isolation and conflict.

Therefore, I think that we need to be wise and responsible in how we develop and use AI. We need to be guided by our faith and reason, our ethics and morals, and our rights and duties. We need to be aware of the benefits and risks of AI, and how to balance them. We need to be respectful of the diversity and plurality of human life meaning, and how to accommodate them.

I also think that we need to be prepared for the future of AI, and how to shape it. We need to be proactive and visionary in creating inclusive policies, fostering transparency in AI, and promoting education for all in this new technological realm. We need to be engaged and participatory in the public debate and decision-making on AI issues that affect our rights and values. We need to be creative and innovative in finding new ways of expressing and experiencing our life’s meaning in a world of signs.

As an architect once eloquently proclaimed, “The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed”. This profound statement holds true not only for various aspects of human existence but also for the realm of AI. It is an indisputable fact that some individuals have already embraced the AI age, relishing in its benefits, while others find themselves lingering in the pre-AI era, grappling with its ramifications. A stark dichotomy emerges, where some wield AI as a tool for empowerment, while others bear the burden of its unintended consequences.

In contemplating this thought-provoking conundrum, we are compelled to ponder our position. To which side do we aspire to belong? What kind of future do we yearn to forge? And, ultimately, what profound meaning do we seek to unearth in our existence?

These questions beckon us, urging us to make a choice. The choice is ours to embrace the opportunities presented by this new era or to retreat into the shadows of uncertainty. Indeed, this juncture marks the dawning of a new age—a renaissance of unparalleled proportions. Yet, let us not dismiss the possibility that it may also herald the onset of a dark age, should we falter in our pursuit of wisdom and responsibility.

Only time holds the answer to this enigma, but it is within our power to shape the narrative. Let us seize the reins of destiny and embark upon a journey of profound discovery. The future lies in our hands, awaiting the touch of our collective ingenuity and compassion.

Artificiosa intelligentia non est architectura, sed machinatio, tamen machinatio cum intelligentia humana est ipsa opus divinum (LA)

That stands, more or less as:

The realm of artificial intelligence transcends the mere confines of architectural design, for it is an intricate tapestry of machination. Yet, behold, when human-like intelligence intertwines with such machination, we witness a celestial confluence that can only be described as a divine undertaking.

go to PART 1
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