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Merry Christmas LineArt – Grasshopper

My wish for All of Us
2024 promises to be a year of growth and exploration. It will be a time when we challenge norms and assumptions, a season to let go of limitations and expand our mindsets. This coming rotation around the sun invites us to step outside ourselves, understand other perspectives more deeply, and embrace new horizons.

Rather than clinging to what’s comfortable and known, 2024 nudges us toward curiosity, questioning, and insight. It encourages casting off confines to discover fresh potential within. What might we achieve if we set our sights beyond what we’ve always seen? 🤔

This holiday, I encourage taking time to open your heart. Reflect on ways you can become more receptive in the new year 💭. Broaden your worldview by listening with empathy, without judgment of differing views. 👂 Seek common ground over divides.

Together, perhaps we can make 2024 a year of positive change. One where we strengthen connections by setting aside preconceptions and presumptions. One with room for surprises as we support each other’s growth. 😊

What new perspectives might you gain by venturing into the unknown? How will challenging yourself lead to greater understanding? I wish you light and vision as the year ahead unfolds.

3D LineArt creation ☃︎🎅🎄❄️☃️🎁🦌

A simple Grasshopper definition to create a 3D effect made by simple lines and an image sampler

My Christmas ePost
MerryChristmas from Luciano Ambrosini + AI with ❤︎

Video demo

if you watch it on my YouTube channel it is possible to jump among different highlights 😉

Interested in my works? see *About Me* section and contact me by email and/or by social